About Me

writer Janet Kornblum smiling, holding her dog outside in front of the Santa Cruz, CA beach area

I live in Santa Cruz, California, a stunningly beautiful community, and travel for work throughout the Bay Area and entire state, Covid not withstanding. (You might be surprised to learn how far and wide prisons are located.) For work—and fun—I tell stories and I help others tell their own stories.

During first part of my career wrote stories for newspapers and online news sites, including USA Today, CNET, and the Arizona Daily Star. If you want my full resume, check out my personal page or my LinkedIn profile.

Now, I help people tell their own stories as a Private Investigator, a writer, a media trainer, an amateur photographer, and the facilitator of Stories on Earth. As a PI, I mostly work for a public defender's office. I often write social histories of people who have been incarcerated for decades, getting to know them, their lives and their families. My work has allowed me to get to know so many amazing people I never would have otherwise. 

I'm also a partner, a support human to my animals, a chronic scribbler, a proud liberal, a food lover, dog walker, friend, daughter, a sister, a caregiver, a tree- and otter-hugger, a night owl, a lover of a good mattress, a tech geek, a conversationalist who can stay up with the rest of them, a worrier, a joker,  and a lover. 

It sounds cliché, but I am so grateful to be doing work that I love. Join me in a workshop and we'll get to know each other better. Be prepared for some bonding and laughter.